THE COVID-19 STIMULUS BILL HAS AFFECTED TAX REPORTING. Click Here For Free Professional Tax AdviceForgive me for being blunt, when it comes to resolving a debt with the IRS, you can get in a bloody shark tank … Or …
You can work with one of the most trusted tax professionals in Orlando and the state of Florida … You decide
Tax Services
Tax Problem Resolution
Eliminate Your IRS Debts Legally, Ethically…
and for Much Less Than You Could Imagine!
For Small Businesses
Additional Services
And even if you DON’T live in the local area (if you’ll pardon my bias), here’s why you should immediately Email or Call Me…
When it comes to Tax Resolution and settling debts with government institutions, you can’t afford to mess around – but nor can you afford to get in bed with “sales rooms” masquerading as a professional tax office. There’s simply too much at stake. And there are too many landmines along the path.
My name is Kazim Qasim, EA. I am a licensed EA, and able to represent you in front of the IRS. I have been doing so on behalf of clients (both local and national) now for years.
But what you DON’T need is to be bombarded by ruthless sales pitches and overbearing junk mail simply because your situation was picked up by some database somewhere, and you were targeted as a “hot lead”. Yes, this is how these operations can afford to advertise on national television and radio. They have a sales system, and they work it. Very hard.
Here’s the dirty secret of the national tax debt resolution industry: Almost all of your contact will be with a commissioned sales person. A closer. And their mission is to close YOU.
Provisions of the Second Coronavirus Relief Bill That Affect Orlando Small Businesses
Wow, does it ever feel good to have turned the page on 2020. This first "working week" is when I finally began to feel the newness of it all.Yes, it's "just a date" on a Gregorian calendar, but ...2021 holds great promise for our Central Florida business clients. With...
Ultra Last Minute Tax Moves for Orlando Businesses
It's going to take us many weeks to digest everything in this massive omnibus of a relief bill that the President signed on Sunday night.And with year-end barrelling at us (2021 is on FRIDAY), it's unlikely that we will be able to make substantive action on your...
IRS Audits Planned To Increase 50% In 2021 by Kazim Qasim
So, this is flying under the radar in the ending of 2020 ... an IRS official just publicly stated that they are massively ramping up audits next year.It was at an event for the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Professional Accounts), and it happened Tuesday:“The...